We are imperfect beings. Yet we are always striving for perfection. Truly, this is the paradox of human behavior.
We all have ideas of what we see as the "good things" about humanity, and there is perhaps no greater example of this than love.
Anyone can testify to the goodness of love. There isn't a person out there who, once having experienced or properly observed true love in one way or another, would point to that experience and say "that was a bad thing."
And yet in spite of the fact that we are so easily able to define the goodness of love, we cringe at the thought that there is an epitome of that goodness. Simple, it's hard for us to imagine,
truly perfect love.
Yet is this not the logical outworking of something that must be "truly" good? Ought there not be a source of that goodness? A basic, bottom line definer for that goodness? Without it, love, along with any other "good" thing in our world, becomes an empty, hollow concept. It has no ultimate meaning, no ultimate definition or purpose. It is completely emptied of substance.
But even in the acknowledgment of this, we are still so often challenged by the idea of
perfect love. It can be easy for us to ultimately concede to a perfect source of love, but when we begin to think on a God who
is perfect love and who
cannot love imperfectly, we cannot help but cringe.
Because to truly concede to that is to admit your imperfection. To fully acquiesce to that idea is to admit failure, true inadequacy, and the profundity of your human limitation. It is to confess His Lordship.
And man is that hard to do. To say that He is qualitatively better than you. To know that He is qualitatively
completely better than you. You are bad. He is Good. You are imperfect. He is Perfect. You are man, and He is God.
The admittal of this divide between us and God is hard. But boy is it necessary. If we continue to adhere to our the futility of our human "goodness" true love will never be exhitibed. If it hasn't been clear, I am writing this to Christians as well. Any of us can easily cling to our human goodness, our human sufficiency, even after we've allowed God in: because it truly is so easy to just be human, and not be Godly. In order to do that we must continously admit His goodness, an our "badness." We must acknowledge His perfection, and our imperfection. And we must do these things because when it comes to those "good" things that we can only truly do through Him, things such as love are paramount to the success of the Church. Without it, our world will fail to see the true glimpse of the Father. They will fail to See Him in us, and so fail to know Him, because we failed to know that,
He is good, and we are not.