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Superman and Lois

Superman and Lois

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Remember Me

I still remember him so well, even unto this day.
But to tell you the truth, he'd be pretty hard to forget.
I mean, yeah he was one of those guys that did a lot of good while he was around.
But it's that last time with him that....
I just can't get out of my head.
You know, I suppose you always think the last time you talk to someone,
And they know their time has come, that those words are going to mean something:
They're going to shake you.
But with him....
It was different
Even painful..
And to this day, they haven't left me.
Ha, how could they!
You see, I'm sure most would agree that a dying loved one looking you in the eyes and saying
"Remember me" would leave quite the mark.
Indeed, such words have probably moved many to greatness in memory of their lost loved one.
But his words...
Have not just challenged me;
They've challenged the world.
How could one say such selfless...
Such incredibly selfless things!
I mean, this was his life he was talking about, and here he was telling us that he was
CHOOSING to give it over to us!
And yet there they were, those words of love I am yet able to understand,
But that will be with me, for the rest of my life..

"This is my body, which is broken...
For you.
This is my blood, which is poured out...
For you...

Remember me."

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