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Superman and Lois

Superman and Lois

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 8

Today's been kind of hard, mainly just because I've felt kind of tired and unmotivated all day. I slept for almost ten hours, and just haven't felt really energetic today. I could say it's the fast, which I'm sure is a big part of it, but I know you can be energetic while fasting too. I think today's just one of the non energetic days, lol.

I also think part of it is that I know that tomorrow night, I get to eat! Yay! haha. So I think my mind has maybe wandered a bit too much toward food, such that it's harder for me to concentrate on certain things (like school) and get as motivated, when really all I want to do is get to 8 PM tomorrow. hahaha.

But I know the point is to really enjoy this last day of fasting. To really savor this last little stretch of this spiritually intensive time, and believe for God to have heard this time of consecration unto Him loud and clear. Also, I know it's a time where I still continue to maintain my fasting mindset, meaning that even though I'm eating tomorrow, I know that mentally, I have to still have food a bit off limits. That I need to just be happy to eat some chicken noodle soup, and take it slow and listen to my stomach. Later next week, yeah, I'll probably start eating some really good things, but for now I just need to be cautious and enjoy eating what I can.

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