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Superman and Lois

Superman and Lois

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Good Day

Today is a wonderful day. I love the feeling in the air, where it's slightly cool but still sunny and warm enough to wear springtime clothes. I love it. I think the high today is 57, so this morning going to class at about 48, it felt great to me.

I got a good amount of sleep last night, and though I woke up groggy it was again the sunny coolness in the air that "chippered me up," haha. I also decided to wear my gym pants? They're basically gym short material but as long as pants. I love them, they're so light and comfortable, and when I put on my flip flops this afternoon, man, I'll just feel goooood ;-).

One fun thing to mention that might have contributed to my morning chipper was the uplifting and exciting dream I had last night. I dreamt that I could fly a small plane, and I remember taking off, flying around through the sky, and it was SO REAL! The sky was beautiful and clear, and I just coasted along in the sky, taking it all in. then things got a bit more interesting, when I somehow landed in a house that basically had this...huge, open wall on their second floor. So it was like...walking up to a room in a house where one wall, and the ceiling, was missing. After landing here I started walking around and there was a lady sitting on a couch. I fully suspected her to freak out at seeing this random guy in her house, but she just kind of smiled and told me to watch out for the dog. Well, it didn't bother me much because I found that the dog was just a little Pomeranian (sp?) Anyway, so I'm walking around in this house and then I stumble into a few kids, probably 12-15 years old, and we start playing games in their downstairs. I don't remember anything specific, but we were just hanging out, talking and stuff. Also, I found it humorous that they were all black. haha, maybe cause I hung out with Ramsey last night? hahaha, idk....Anyway, so then somehow Pastor Ronnie showed up. BUt it was about that time that I realized dusk was setting in, and I was like "O crap, I can't fly home in the dark!" So I start getting ready to fly back, all the while also realizing that i have no idea even HOW to get back, since I basically stumbled on this house by accident. And that's about when I woke up; dusk outside, trying to figure out how to fly back. A fun dream all and all :-)

So anyway, considering that and other things, today just feels like a good day. Of course, sort of hovering over my horizon are the questions of what I'mgoing to do this summer. What can I do to make as much money as possible? And perhaps more importantly, will I be able to start making money this fall that makes me less dependent on Stafford loans? Ultimately that is my prayer. But right now there are definitely many options out there, and I"m just praying for God to show me what to do or just what to wait on.

So today's a good day; I pray maybe it'll be capped off by some more direction for the coming months :-)

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